
Online wholesaler of shopper bags,! The Shopper is a convenient bag to pack your shopping. The name itself signals its purpose - it refers to the English term shopping. It is distinguished by its large capacity, comfort in carrying and also relatively easy to store. When going shopping you can have it hidden in your pocket, purse or backpack. At home it is enough to throw it into a wardrobe, put it in a drawer or even a box. More and more people are becoming aware of the need for a more ecological lifestyle, so they are trying to give up plastic bags. Such a bag is willingly taken away for shopping. It is washable, very comfortable to use and usually does not cost too much.

Do you want to expand the range of your shop and are you looking for a certain online crib shop? You've come to the right place! We have years of experience and excellent quality products.

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With a shopper you can not only go shopping ecologically, but also for a daily walk, gym, university, holiday or even work. Such bags are as willingly worn by women as by men. Retro models are popular, as well as those with a modern design. However, those with a simple cut are by far the best selling. More and more often they are decorated with various prints.


We are a well-known wholesaler of shoppers in Wólka Kosowska, with a wide, fashionable assortment including clothing accessories. We successfully cooperate with shops from all over Poland and even from neighbouring countries. Our products are distinguished by high quality and favourable prices. We are always up to date with the hottest trends, that is why our products sell perfectly.

As the largest clothing wholesaler in Wólka Kosowska, and one of the best distributors of clothing accessories in Poland, we guarantee a wide selection of great products. We offer extremely fashionable shoppers in the retro style, referring to the "nets" popular in the 60s and 70s, which our parents and grandparents perfectly remember. We also have intriguing, futuristic bags in shining colours. We also offer the most popular shopper bags in a simple form, with comfortable, long stripes. We can boast a huge selection of durable materials and aesthetic and funny prints. Models with humorous inscriptions are definitely the most popular choice!


The shopper bag from Wólka Kosowska is a product that will certainly attract the attention of your customers. Our articles are aesthetic, durable and very comfortable to use. They combine all the features that this accessory should have. Apart from classic, popular designs we also offer very interesting variations on them, such as bags with braided ropes instead of belts.

A wide selection of fashionable shoppers in Wólka Kosowska allows you to hit on a variety of tastes. It is worth to have such products in your offer because they have sold well in recent years. Lovely, nice and funny prints are very popular. Especially women are looking for such bags, but many men are also willing to buy them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to give you some more information and help you with your choice. Fill in the online form, call: +48 517 485 450 or send an e-mail to:!