

Bags - online wholesaler offering high quality bags straight from the manufacturer. We offer wholesale purchase of bags. We have a wide selection and assortment tailored to the needs of each customer.

We offer various types of bags such as beach bags, women's and men's bags, backpacks, shoe bags, shopper's bags and snoods. We have a very wide assortment of bags and colour schemes. bags are light and very packable.


From our offer you can distinguish two types of bags and one of the categories typically intended for the shop. The first one is a product that perfectly fits to work or school. There are material and rubber models - with thin handles and thick ropes. Some have patches and others are smooth. An element distinguishing a given bag from other models is an interestingly finished handle.

Fans of marine climates - as well as seaside shops famous for their tourists - can count on bags in the marine style. Fashionable during the summer season, beach bags are characterized by accurate and precise quints with different marine themes. Lovers of these climates will find, among others, striped bags, anchors, shells and tropical leaves and birds. For the spring period our wholesaler of bags from Wólka Kosowska offers its products in flowers.

Bags from the wholesale store do not take up much space after folding, although due to their originality it would be a sin to hide them in the wardrobe. Due to the wide range of colours you can adjust the bag to the conditions in which we will store it - on a darker one you won't see too many stains, although striped combinations are also a good option. A leather-like bag with a pocket in the front is a great convenience for larger purchases - the wallet can be placed in the front compartment, making it difficult to lose it.

Our wholesale offer also includes bags which consist of two materials, thanks to which they combine the previous options, i.e. a large bag made of a material similar to stiffer rubber and an additional material sewn on to it with an inscription. This is a great proposal for those ladies who cannot decide which option to choose.


Although they are different kinds of bags, they are second to none. As, we adapt our assortment to the requirements of our customers, as you can see when browsing through the subtitled shoppers. Jeans colours of the material in combination with a thick string in the form of bag's ears is a great combination.

Their other type - with images referring to spring and summer - is very colourful. The offer includes, among others, a well-known and fashionable owl motif. Earlier models of these products were kept in green with English lettering. We invite you to shop.